Conditions that are alleviated by marijuana – Part 5


  • The cannabis helps regulate bone mass and may prevent osteoporosis

Several investigations claiming that cannabinoids stimulate bone formation, a discovery that seems to pave the way for future drug use marijuana in the fight against osteoporosis and other bone-related diseases.

The latest study finds that the rats used for the experiment welded faster when they are administered cannabidiol femoral bones, non – psychoactive component of marijuana. Treatment markedly improved the healing of the femur after eight weeks. Scientists found that the CBD alone makes the strongest bones during healing and improves the development of the base of collagen, which provides the foundation for the new mineralization of bone tissue. “After being treated with the CBD, curing bone will be harder to break in the future, ” they concluded.



One in three women and one in five men over 50 will experience some form of injury bone weakness. It affects more than three million and a half people in Spain alone, and yet, more than half of patients do not know they have it. Remains poor diagnosis and treatment, often nonexistent.

Now, scientists speculate that the main physiological involvement of specific endocannabinoid receptors (CB2) is to maintain “bone remodeling in balance, thereby protecting the skeleton against bone loss related to age,” which leads some experts to believe that cannabinoids may be a newly planted field for the development of anti-osteoporotic drugs in the future.


  • The cannabis may be useful for treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease and Tourette syndrome

Although usually associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, there are actually hundreds of diseases of this type for which normally there is no cure. How could the cannabis help these patients diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disorder? Because have a potent cannabinoid anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties antioxidants, also they have the ability to alleviate the symptoms of the disease engines, thanks to its hypokinetic profile which can act on the movement ability. And besides, they relieve pain and thus improve patients’ sleep.

In August 2015, the American Academy of Neurology published a review of trials that used cannabis for the treatment of neurological disorders. They found several cannabinoids have demonstrated “effectiveness” or “probable effectiveness” to relieve spasticity, spasms or central pain. They went so far that even supported that health insurance should pay for drugs based on synthetic cannabinoids (such as dronabinol and nabilone) for patients who could benefit from them.



For patients and their families, these debilitating and incurable diseases can be devastating; and given the long-term impact of their treatment, finding cost-effective solutions should be a priority. Despite the enormous progress, you need further research to establish accurate way the role of the endocannabinoid system in these pathologies and evaluate the possible use of medical marijuana to treat their symptoms. Cannabis could well become an additional therapy for patients who suffer adverse effects caused by current therapies.